MJ, may be you can make test server if you aren't ready to start low rate server? Because some of us are waiting opening to long( So we can try skills or something else while you will be finishing main server)
125.Alex(2011-07-08 1:55 PM)
When you will open the server? You already have 100+ users.
124.Alex(2011-07-07 11:15 PM)
Wow nice server i want play, hope that it be online soon
123.Sagittarius(2011-07-07 3:04 AM)
Man, since they closed the Dark Elmore (one of the oldes old chronicle low rate server in history) I don't have server to play on.....Please at least tell us, where it'll be online....
Dude, I'm trying to register an account and I cant, can you help me? Thanks
118.Alex(2011-07-05 4:00 PM)
Hi, if I will play if you make it retail like, low rates max x2 and if you implement second class transfer(2nd prof) like rogue - Treasure Hunter etc. And also B grade/enchanting all the good stuff better make it a full c2 server, would be awesome and you will have many more players, keep it up ^^. Send me an invitation anyway, I'll try to bring some friends
117.Golkas(2011-07-05 3:58 AM)
116.Gabynec(2011-07-04 8:01 PM)
La idea era llegar a los 70 post aca, por que eso ya paso, y ni noticias del server todavia si hay que hacer alguna otra cosa para que el server este on avisen, por que si tardan mas, algunos vana perder el interes... asi que plizzz, avisen, tengo ganas de jugar prelude!!!! saludos =)